Trip Planner
Set Travel Dates & Budget Planning:
Decide when you want to visit Meridian Adventures Kundapur. The best time for scuba diving in this region is during the dry season, which typically runs from October to March.
Determine your budget for the trip. This should include expenses for transportation, accommodation, scuba diving activities, meals, and other personal expenses.

Transportation & Accommodation:
Research and book your transportation to Kundapur. You can reach Kundapur by air, train, or road. The nearest major airport is Mangalore International Airport, and Kundapur is well-connected by road and rail as well. Find and book accommodation in Kundapur. There are various options, including hotels, resorts, and homestays. Popular options include Sahana Sun Castle, Coqueiros Beach Cottages, Blue waters, and more.Health Preparations & Travel Insurance:
Ensure you are in good physical health and not suffering from any medical conditions that could affect your ability to dive. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns.
Purchase travel and diving insurance to cover any unexpected emergencies or incidents.

Safety & Packing:
Always prioritize safety during your dives. Follow the instructions of your dive instructor, pay attention to weather conditions, and stay within your skill level.
Pack appropriate clothing for the season, including swimwear, sunscreen, and any personal items you may need.
Finally, relax and enjoy your scuba diving Meridian adventure in Kundapur. Take in the beautiful underwater world and create lasting memories.